Digital Advertising Opens The Door For Small Businesses

Digital Advertising Opens The Door For Small Businesses

The Mad Men of print and television advertising continue to recede into the background as digital ads outpace traditional mediums at an Olympic pace. In just four years, internet ads are expected to grow by 35 percent, versus television ads at just five percent. Already, yearly digital advertising revenues exceed print newspaper and magazine ads combined more than twice over and television ads by more than 20 percent. Current yearly expenditures are $86 billion on internet ads, $71 billion on TV, and $33 billion on print news publications. This is great news for small businesses as internet marketing tends to be more democratic than its 20th century predecessor, allowing those with limited advertising budgets to compete with the deep pockets of mega corporations. This means small firms can reinvest revenues into expanding or improving their products and services rather than buying ad time to get in front of the masses. Here’s what small businesses should know about the internet age of advertising: Facebook and Google are the titans of the online advertising industry. Facebook and Google combined garner more than two-thirds of all online advertising spending – about 18 percent goes to the social media giant and half to the number one search engine. And don’t let reputations fool you. Facebook and Google are not as they seem – in a good way. Both are basically data-mining companies propped up by their advertising activities. In fact, they use the one to fuel the other. Because their spring of user information runs infinitely deep, Facebook and Google can offer businesses precise ad campaigns for any number of target audiences, boosting response rates and the earning potential of every marketing dollar. Facebook, for instance, will only place ads where they’re most likely to get clicks – and for as little as $5 to $30 per day for a small trial campaign. Audiences are mobile. 71 percent of all internet consumption occurs on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet – and advertising migrates with the consumer. While Snapchat will enjoy the largest growth in mobile ad revenue from now to 2019, Facebook and Google still dominate the market for mobile advertising. What does this all mean for businesses? One, while ad dollars should still be focused on Facebook and Google campaigns, Snapchat and other up-and-coming mobile platforms may offer effective alternatives for niche markets. And two, online storefronts must be optimized for mobile. Native advertising is replacing banner ads on websites. What is native advertising? Native ads are informative pieces about your company or offerings that are more article than hard-sell – they’re meant to blend into the surrounding editorial content. While a small firm could pay for instant exposure in a magazine or newspaper spread, blogging is a lower cost alternative whose benefits compound over time. What do we mean? Blogging generates leads, not once, but forever and generates fresh content that may push you above the fold on search engine results pages (SERPs). Word-of-mouth is still the bread and butter of business. Today’s grapevine is digital. People love to share their experiences with a brand – and, now, they have multiple online platforms, from social media to dedicated review sites, to do just that. Online reviews have a profound effect on the purchasing behaviors of would-be customers, as 9 out of 10 buyers have admitted online reviews directly influenced their purchasing decisions. While a few bad reviews won’t taint the well, a company’s approach to criticism can irreversibly damage their reputation and, ultimately, their bottom line. Nowadays, businesses need a deliberate online review strategy. Above all, get in touch with the pros. Digital marketing experts can maximize your advertising dollar, allowing you to save (and earn) more than if you go it alone. So, if you own a small business or startup and would like to broadcast your message across the internet landscape, contact our inbound marketing team at Social Spice Media.