On the Google+ Side, Your Business SEO Gets a Boost

On the Google+ Side, Your Business SEO Gets a Boost

Google+…admit it, you’re still not sure why you need a business profile page on this search engine giant’s social media site. If you feel silly for not knowing, don’t. Though Google+ has stirred up a major buzz since splashing on the social network scene in 2011, it still remains a marketing mystery for most business owners both big and small. Google+ does a myriad of great things for businesses looking to level up their search engine optimization (SEO), including seamless integration with invaluable marketing tools such as YouTube, and generating positive reviews from customers with Google Hangouts. However, let’s focus on the biggest upsides of Google+, and the major reasons to make this social network a priority in your online marketing repertoire; instant SEO boost and visual appeal for your business. Though Google+ isn’t the hottest, most popular social network, the fact of the matter is that Google is the world’s #1 search engine. They’ve got the lion’s share of the market when it comes to online search. So it just makes plain sense to integrate into their social network for business, right? Still not totally getting it? Let’s get into Google+ SEO basics… Google: The Bully of their Search Block Google loves being the big fish in their own pond. What that means is, Google+ content (i.e. content that is posted into a Google+ profile page) will rise to the top of searches above content published on your own website. Every single post generates its own unique URL. When that content sees some action in the Google+ universe, known as +1s (meaning sharing, reposting, etc.) that post URL will rise organically in Google search ranks. Visually Speaking, Youre Loud and Clear Humans are visual creatures. According to the Social Science Research Network journal, the majority of us (65%) process information based on what we see. With that being said, Google has implemented various visual elements on their search engine results pages (SERPs) to help people find what they’re looking for on the web—the main tool being the “top local listing box”. By now, you’ve probably noticed a feature box that shows up at number one position of SERPs when searching for local business listings, You’ll also notice photos pertaining to those businesses, as well as a corresponding starred reviews. The “feature box” has majorly impacted businesses since its implementation because of its natural visual attractiveness. What business owners and marketers need to know, is that the major deciding factor of what is highlighted in that golden box, is that Google registers its own internal elements, including the number of +1s on a Google+ business page, to be most relevant in determining rank order. So there you have it. When it comes to an instant bump up for your business in the dominating search world of Google, a Google+ business profile page is pretty much a must have. For more information on how we can help boost your business with Google+ and other social media ninja moves, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We know that texting thumbs may take over the world one day, but feel free to call us at (805) 482-8312, or, email us at info@socialspicemedia.com. We keep our office warm, welcoming and stocked with fresh, free coffee if you ever want to visit. If you’re not into free coffee (for some insane reason), let’s link up on your favorite social media site–we love making new friends.