Googles Deduplication Update and How to Optimize Your Listings

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Googles Deduplication Update and How to Optimize Your Listings

In recent news within the SEO world, Google has gotten rid of the zero position, meaning that duplicate listings no longer exist. Whereas previously a top listing that was placed in the featured snippets section would also list on the first page, Google has now implemented the “deduplication” of top listings, so URL’s will no longer be able to list twice. As a search engine optimizer, there is no reason to panic, however deciding where, if, and how your URL lists is a new area for discussion.

Where Your Businesses Listing Exists

  If you have successful SEO, it’s most likely that your listings on Google are either in the featured snippet section or on the first page of listings. As top listings generally have the best optimization, these URL’s now exist in one of these two places. Deciding directly where your listing will rank is not possible, however choosing how well you optimize a URL is the biggest deciding factor for listing placement.   Search engine optimizers are debating whether de-optimization is necessary for listings for when the owner does not wish to rank in the featured snippet section, and prefers to be on the first page of listings. Google SearchLiaison’s twitter account has released further information on the update:   screenshot of a google post

If Your Listing is High Ranking

  A listing that ranks highly will be located in either the featured snippet section or within the top 10 listings on the first page. Google SearchLiaison has also reaffirmed that the goal of their announcements on twitter is to let content producers know of the change. They have also stated that they do not wish to inadvertently cause concerns:   google post screenshot   Google’s reaffirmations state that that content creator should not be worried about the update. It is suggested, rather, that creators adapt and put forth better efforts in the direct creation of content, which opposes the concept of de-optimization. Ultimately, if you are a content creator and you optimize the content you produce, it will still be just as beneficial to your business’s SEO as before.  

How To Rank in the Featured Snippets or On the First Page Section In Google

  Optimizing the content you create to rank highly in Google listings is the only way to ensure that your URL lists where you would prefer it to. By taking the SEO steps that make a listing appear in either the featured snippets section or the first page, the marketing of your brand or business as a whole will improve. The steps that can be taken to rank in these sections include:  
  1. Make Quality Blog Posts
By producing content that is really good, that has direct keywords, and uses backlinks to other quality sites, you’ll better ensure that your listings rank highly on Google.
  1. Look at Keyword Queries
In efforts to improve SEO, looking at all keywords and phrases that your listing ranks for will give you a better pathway of what your content should contain. Keyword phrases are one the biggest tools that search engine optimizers use and are a necessity for successful optimization.
  1. Check Your Impressions
Looking at and knowing the number of times your listing has appeared in Google will let you know the extent to which your SEO can be improved. Analytic information such as impressions give a better idea of how well your listings are doing currently.
  1. Remember the Two Main Queries and Utilize Them
The two types of queries people make are either searches which look for the solution to a problem or the direct presumed solution to a problem. Examples of such phrases include: “why do my joints hurt?” and “Arthritis”. One is research for a problem, the other is an assumed solution to the problem. Designing your page with these two types of queries in mind will help people locate it and will improve your SEO as a whole.
  1. Design Phrases On Your Page Accordingly
To optimize your page to the fullest degree, you will need to make sure that your keyword phrases appear in the title and header of the content of your webpage. You should also need to make sure that the body of your content contains that keyword phrase as well.
  1. Improve Your Sites Relevance
Your website’s relevance can be improved by making better quality content. This means looking into all content that is available publicly on your website, and attempting to improve it collectively.
  1. Continue To Produce New Content
Producing and posting new content to your site continually will ensure that your webpage gets ranked higher. Google generally ranks listings that have recently updated content in a higher position, so creating new content or revamping your website will give it a much better chance at ranking highly.  

Utilizing Google Analytics and SEO Experts

  There are many tools out there that can help improve your websites SEO. Google Analytics is one of the many great tools that businesses such as Social Spice Media use to make improvements to your website and search engine rankings. Understanding the reports that it generates and utilizing experts who can tell you where your listings can improve is one of the best things you can do for your website and business as a whole.  

How Long Will I Have to Wait Until My Listing Ranks Higher?

  If you follow all the steps to improve SEO, you can ordinarily expect to see results and a higher ranking within a few days or weeks, although this timing depends primarily on the improvements that you make to your website. It’s safe to say that the better quality and frequency of your updates, the quicker you’ll begin to see positive results and rank higher in Google searches.  

How We Can Help

  Social Spice Media is a digital marketing agency devoted to the success of each and every one of our clients through the management of their websites. From business blogging to SEO, our services help to ensure that your website listing ranks highly on Google. Our team improves websites to provide lasting changes that have a positive impact on all businesses.