30 Nov We Hope You Don’t Mind Coming in Second Place
Say goodbye to secureHave you migrated your website to HTTPS? If not, your site won’t be listed as secure once the upcoming changes are put into effect and your website visitors will be cautioned that they’re using an unsecure site. Do you think they’ll want to spend more time on a website that isn’t secure? We’re betting they won’t. That green padlock has never been more important. Companies have been switching their sites over for a while, but now it’s finally going to have consequences. You need to make the switch now if you want to continue your online success.
We’ve explained the benefits of migrating to HTTPS and we even checked in with you to see if you made the secure switch, but now we’re serious: you need to make that switch before the year ends. Like any business, Google is constantly evolving to feed their insatiable appetite for success through positive user experience. It should come as no surprise that we’re reporting on more Google’s changes, but we’re doing it to help you. We want to ensure your business is successful and evolves so you can compete and win.
We hope you don’t mind coming in second place
Remember: Google announced that HTTPS would eventually affect your ranking. Though it is only a slight boost as of now, we think there are a couple important things to consider. Think about how often you’ve seen HTTPS sites. If HTTPS sites get a slight boost and the whole first page of Google is full of HTTPS sites, yours won’t get a boost if it’s an HTTP. You’ll remain at a lower ranking and may find it difficult to climb back up to the top if you fail to adapt.
Let’s reflect on Google’s frequent changes for a moment. How many times have we said Google is constantly evolving, updating, and striving to enhance user experience? Too many. (Yes, we know). If you don’t change now, it can be difficult to make all of the changes you were stubborn to make in the first place.
Are we just being over dramatic? Will Google really penalize you?
We’re not kidding. Do you need proof? CNN Money and PC World are just two among the many who are blogging about this change and what it means for HTTP sites. Without a secure HTTPS site, you put yourself at risk for diminishing your business’s reputation and revenue. You may find website traffic declining, and sales falling, if you’re not easily discoverable on the first page of Google and people may not want to do business with a company that has an unsecure website. Isn’t it more desirable to have the word “secure” paired with your company? We think so.
We want to help you
We’ve achieved first page search results for many of our clients and we want you to be one of them. It’s our job to make sure your website performs well on search engines, bolsters your reputation, is mobile-friendly, and brings you business. Get in touch with us so we can discuss making these changes and getting you up to speed so you can stay competitive.