Just Launched A New Website? Here’s What to Do Next

Just Launched A New Website? Here’s What to Do Next

Launching a new website for your business is a long and intensive process that goes far beyond the actual launch. While you should be proud of your team for all the work they’ve put in and the final product that’s set for launch, don’t settle in yet! It does no good to have a fancy new URL if all your marketing materials, communications, social media and web listings draw your customers to the old one. Social Spice Media suggests updating the following as soon as possible with the launch of a new website:

Marketing Materials

Marketing materials can include business cards, letterhead, marketing imagery and any promotional materials which can include pens, t-shirts, or anything else that might have your website address on it. Be mindful of any products your business might distribute that list your URL and have these updated as soon as possible. Business cards and letterhead are especially important because they are often the first line of communication between your business and prospective clients. If you have any videos or imagery like posters, brochures, or banners that you often rely on for marketing, ensure that these also have your up-to-date URL.


From your email signature to your voicemail, you need to ensure that all communications are updated to direct traffic where you want it to go. If you’re aware of any other places where your URL might be posted, for example on a friend or associate’s business page, be sure to reach out to them with your new web address as well. As they always say, communication is key—if you have regular contacts who refer your services, it doesn’t hurt to send them an email or give them a phone call to let them know you have a new website so that they can update their materials as well. This includes your regular clients too. If you haven’t reached out to a client in a while, a new website URL is a great reason to be in touch and remind them that you’re thinking of them and mindful of their convenience.

Social Channels

Likely all of your social channels list your website URL in the profile, and many of them might link back to various webpages frequently. If you have a particular person or agency handling your social media, be sure that they are aware of the change and plan accordingly. Avenues like Google My Business, Yelp, and Google Search Console are also important places to update to ensure you get all of that new web traffic. A new website is a new opportunity to rebrand your business image and digital marketing plan. Social Spice Media can help you develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy to increase traffic to your new website. Do you know someone who could benefit from our services? Refer them to us today! Our team is eager to connect with businesses in any industry. We serve the local needs of Ventura County and Santa Barbara as well as anywhere in the United States.