20 Dec Where is Snapchat Headed? Updates and New Products from Snap Inc.
Snapchat was released in September of 2011 to lots of buzz, particularly in younger markets. The app has grown tremendously in the past four years, following the common path from teens to their parents to businesses in search of new customers. It’s helped several businesses and companies get in front of younger audiences to share, sell, and build a brand identity. Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Refinery29, Buzz Feed, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal are among the many companies using Snapchat as a platform to reach new audiences and connect with them.Instead of buying a newspaper or magazine, these companies are making it easy to put their information in the palms of their audiences’ hands without resorting to print for every article. We applaud them for saving paper, but we’re more interested in the way they’re able to deliver more information and get people invested in their brand.
Snapchat does a good job of keeping everyone up-to-date with current events and celebrating holidays through featured “stories” and funky filters that users can add to their pictures. (Haven’t you seen the pictures of that person you barely know with dog/panda/rabbit ears and overlarge cartoon eyes? No? Don’t lie.) The many bells and whistles on Snapchat are fun, but we also think they’re effective for business. Companies can directly reach their audiences by using a platform where they spend a lot of time.
The app has become more than an outlet for friends to send pictures to each other and a place to stay updated on what’s going on in the world. Snapchat parent company Snap Inc. is now hinting at a new development called Snap Spectacles, but they aren’t saying much. We found them featured on the LA Times and had to know more –the shades are going to be released in black, teal, and coral! The glasses act as a video camera that film up to ten seconds of video. The recordings can be sent to the user’s phone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi so they’re still able to share with friends.
We’re not sure if businesses will end up benefiting from the glasses because we have so few details, but we think some people would love to be seen around town rocking the high-tech specs. Snapchat has more users than Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn, with a stunning 9,000 snaps sent every second. CMO offers more mind-blowing stats just proving its importance as a whole and for business.
Businesses are always coming up with innovative ideas to reach more people. Maybe some will get creative and make ads using recordings from everyday life and social interactions. Advertisements seem to be more successful when they blend in with users’ social media feeds because they don’t offer an aggressive approach to sell something – not many people are going to click on ads that look like ads. These glasses could create a way for businesses to camouflage their content and stand out with their shades. (We also think our Social Spice Girls would look very stylish strolling down Ventura Blvd!)
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